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Computer Accessories
Showing 1 - 16 of 81 Items
The WiWU KB-01 Wired Office Mechanical Keyboard combines silent keys with a durable Iron + ABS design for comfortable, noise-free typing. Its Type-C interface ensures reliable performance, making it ideal for office use. Available now at Action WebStore.
Rs. 11,700
Add more storage space with this Multipurpose 5-Level Door Hook. Made from durable ABS material, it fits doors 1.18 to 1.37 inches thick and holds up to 5kg. Ideal for bedrooms, bathrooms, or any room needing extra hanging space. Buy now at Action WebStore for practical and space-saving home solutions!
Rs. 350
Rs. 400
TP-Link Archer AX90 Tri-Band Wi-Fi 6 Router offers ultra-fast speeds, WPA3 security, and maximized coverage. Connect multiple devices with ease. Archer AX90 Router features 8 streams, 4804 Mbps speed, and enhanced WPA3 security. Perfect for streaming, gaming, and seamless multi-device connectivity. Available at Action WebStore!
Rs. 74,000
TP-Link AX73 AX5400 Wi-Fi 6 Router offers ultra-fast speed, 8K streaming, and broad coverage. Connect 200+ devices and secure your network with HomeShield. Available on Action WebStore!
Rs. 45,500
Archer AX55 Router delivers blazing-fast Wi-Fi 6 speeds, seamless streaming, and stable gaming connections. Experience gigabit speed with TP-Link AX55 AX3000 Router. Ideal for streaming, gaming, and video chatting. Available now on Action WebStore, Pakistan’s trusted marketplace!
Rs. 33,490
Upgrade to the TP-Link Archer AX23 AX1800 Wi-Fi 6 Router. With 1.8 Gbps speed, OFDMA, beamforming, and advanced controls, enjoy unparalleled internet performance. TP-Link AX23 Wi-Fi 6 Router offers fast 1.8 Gbps dual-band speeds, improved coverage, and advanced parental controls. Perfect for modern homes and offices. Shop now on Action WebStore!
Rs. 22,990
Explore the TP-Link Archer C80 AC1900 Wi-Fi Router, designed for high-speed connectivity. With 3×3 MIMO, MU-MIMO, and beamforming technology, enjoy seamless streaming, gaming, and device management. Shop now at Action WebStore for the best deals in Pakistan!
Rs. 18,499
Upgrade to the TP-Link Archer AX10 Wi-Fi 6 Router. Enjoy ultra-fast 1.5 Gbps speed, connect more devices without lag, and experience seamless streaming and gaming. Available now at Action WebStore, the leading online marketplace in Pakistan. Shop today for the best deals!
Rs. 18,500
TP-Link Archer C60 AC1350 Router provides fast dual-band Wi-Fi with 450Mbps on 2.4GHz and 867Mbps on 5GHz. Ideal for HD streaming and gaming. Features parental control and easy setup with TP-Link Tether app. Buy now from Action WebStore, the best online marketplace in Pakistan.
Rs. 13,499
TP-Link Archer C6 AC1200 Router provides dual-band speeds up to 1200Mbps with MU-MIMO for efficient, lag-free performance. Perfect for HD streaming and gaming. Shop now at Action WebStore, the best online marketplace in Pakistan!
Rs. 11,999
Enjoy seamless connectivity with TP-Link XC220-G3 Router. Achieve speeds up to 1.2Gbps, optimize IPTV streaming, and secure your network with WPA3. Available at Action WebStore, Pakistan's trusted marketplace for quality and performance.
Rs. 10,499
TP-Link XN021-G3 XPON Router offers 300Mbps Wi-Fi, dual-mode GPON/EPON access, and CATV support. Features enhanced security, gigabit connectivity, and remote management. Buy now from Action WebStore for the best deals in Pakistan!
Rs. 9,499
TP-Link Archer C54 AC1200 offers faster dual-band Wi-Fi for smooth 4K streaming and reliable coverage. Features 4× antennas, Beamforming, multi-mode options, and parental controls. Shop now at Action WebStore for the best deals in Pakistan.
Rs. 8,799
Upgrade your home or office network with the TP-Link Archer C20 AC750 Router. Featuring 802.11ac, dual-band Wi-Fi speeds, and wide coverage, it’s perfect for seamless streaming, gaming, and browsing. Shop now at Action WebStore, your trusted marketplace in Pakistan.
Rs. 7,650
TP-Link XN020-G3 GPON Router offers 300Mbps wireless N speeds, 2.488Gbps downstream, and advanced security features for safe and fast connectivity. The TP-Link XN020-G3 Wireless N GPON Router provides ultra-fast speeds, robust security, and easy management. Perfect for home or office networks. Available now at Action WebStore.
Rs. 7,499
TP-Link Archer C24 AC750 Dual-Band Wi-Fi Router provides fast 5 GHz and stable 2.4 GHz connections. Parental controls and multi-mode functionality make it perfect for home use. Available now at Action WebStore.
Rs. 7,499